Friday, January 30, 2009

Evil is in da house !!!!!

That's right folks, there it is. We opened up the door and the devil delivered it. 220 pounds of pure unadulterated evil. It taunted me from day one. Sitting in a box as long as the foyer. I stumbled over it a few times. Last Saturday, we decided it was time to open up the box of evil. I hurt my back and cut a gash in the tip of my finger. EVIL !!!!! And now it sits there, all smug and put together. Saying to me as I pass by the room "Come here, fat ass, you know you need to ride me big girl". But alas, I have resisted. As soon as we assembled pure evil, PMS arrived. That's right.....PMS trumps exercise everytime people. Well, that and ovaries that feel like the size of a watermelon.
Love ya more than my Louie !!!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Winter Wonderland

This is what we woke up to this morning. So the logs are burning in the fire, I'm making chicken and dumplings, Taylor has a snow day from work, Bruiser is totally freaked out, and Freddy is...well Freddy is working as usual. Brrrr.......

Love ya more than my Louie!!!!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

A Message from Aalee

---------- Forwarded Message ----------
So I just wanted to drop a quick email to family and friends alike to let yall know that I'm getting ready to leave for deployment tomorrow! Excitement, nervousness, apprehension, guilt and fear are just a few of the things running around in my head right now. I know that it's just the idea of something so big and new happening in my life that's making it kinda chaotic and hectic! I do feel so much better knowing that my husband and daughter are supporting me 100% and will always be there no matter how many miles or oceans are between us! New places, new people and new memories is the adventure I'm about to embark upon, but it still doesn't mean I can't think "what in the hell did I get myself into now?" (I know my mom remembers those words because that's what I said to her my first night at boot camp when we were allowed to call home). Emma knows that mommy is going to be at work for a long, long, long time, but she is going to be such a helper for me by "taking care of daddy". If you don't know what she means by that, she is going to make sure he eats all his dinner, folds the laundry, does the dishes, takes a nap and cleans HER room. Those are just a few of the things she said she will help him do. :-) What can I say? She's a hoot! I'm sorry if I didn't get the opportunity to call everybody before I left, I know I should've done it last week or so, but we just got caught up spending as much time together as a family that it slipped my mind. Now that it is "go time", I really wanted to say thank you to all of you for being my family and my friends. You help me keep my sanity when I'm sure it was never there and you let me know that if I stumble, that it's ok because I have such great people around me to help me out. Call Darryl and Emma for me, make sure that they are taking care of each other! :-) Thank you to my in-laws for raising such a wonderful man. He's my best friend and I am so glad that I was smart enough to keep him! He takes such good care of us that I know that daddy and Emma are going to be fine without me, it's just that I'm not going to be so fine without them! I'm glad that my best friend from back home is now living out here, so Emma can go over to Aunt Traci's house and play with her daughter "baby Lilli" when Emma just needs that girly time! I'm happy that my other best friend (I just realized I have a lot of those) Mary gets to experience the joys of motherhood and I hope she will be as blessed as we were with her son Gallagher (who is completely ADORABLE, we just got his birth announcement in the mail with a picture). I will try to email as much as possible, it may not be much or very often, but please know that I am thinking of everyone while I'm gone! Enjoy your comfy beds, driving your cars, eating fast food, playing on the internet and not being stuck on a ship in the middle of nowhere for me! I know that this quick email has turned into a not so quick email. :-) I love all of you and again I am so thankful that I am able to be a part of YOUR lives! Hugs and kisses, wish me luck! Love, Aalee Sykes

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Come Sail Away

Aalee is on the ship now. Heading out to the open seas. I guess. I really don't know where she's going. Me, I was at the airport when my ship came in. Ba-da-bing.... Anyhoo, have a safe trip Aalee and we'll do our best to keep you entertained here on the No-No Blog !!!!!

Love ya more than my Louie !!!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

What you lookin' at ? Ain't you ever seen a dog as good looking as me ? I didn't think so.....
I'm writing this blog to keep Aalee posted on family updates and gossip while she is out to sea. Not the kind of out to sea like "she's gone 'round the bend", she's actually on a big 'ole boat doing her Navy thang. So if anyone has any ideas or pictures that they want to share, just shoot me an email and I'll post it on the blog. Now if you're wondering about the name of the blog and where it came from, that is strictly between Aalee and me. I'd tell ya but then I' d have to kill ya. And yes, alot of this will be written in southern slang. If you have a problem with that then write your own freaking blog. Ok?

I will sign off now, just like I do on all my emails and various correspondence with the following:

Love ya more than my Louie !!!!